
  • Hidden collections at the ANU

    A piece I wrote with Kylie Message for International Museums Day 2024. Original here: https://hercanberra.com.au/city/film-theatre-music/international-museum-day-was-great-butdo-you-know-whats-hidden-away-at-anu/ Everyone knows that universities are full of people and ideas. But did you know they are also full of objects? University collections provide a window into the stories Australians tell about our country and its past. As tools for teaching…

  • The Timber Detective Agency – an investigation of weird university collections

    Over the past year I have been interviewing a range of curators, academics, and artists about the weird and wonderful things that universities have stashed away in their research collections and its now available to listen to online (and hopefully as an RSS stream for podcasters soon). You can hear interviews with a real life…

  • New publication | Mitigating Bias in GLAM Search EnginesNew publication |

    A new publication with colleagues in Computer Science in Hypertext 2023. This project began from discussions between an art historian (me) and a computer scientists (Bernardo Pereira Nunes) about what we could do with large scale digital museum collections and what question an art historian wanted answered vs what innovations a computer scientist was interested…

  • AI and beyond: Exploring the shared work STEM and GLAM research & institutions

    A report co-written with Kylie Message on a panel discussion between University Researchers and GLAM research and discipline experts at the NMA in July 2023. See also online here: https://hrc.cass.anu.edu.au/news/event-report-ai-and-beyond-exploring-shared-work-stem-and-glam-research-institutions Cultural Conversations: Ideas, Practice, Networking session 5AI and beyond: Exploring the shared work STEM and GLAM research & institutions ChatGPT says ‘AI can revolutionize the…

  • Curating Discomfort – reflections on a panel discussion

    Curating Discomfort – reflections on a panel discussion

    Re-posting this from ANU Research News – see the full post with Claire Sheridan’s report here: https://www.anu.edu.au/research/research-innovation-news/how-university-sector-can-advance-collections-and-research I joined colleagues from across the ANU for a panel discussion Discomfort in the National Capital: How the university sector can drive developments in collections and research, on September 5, 2023, with visitors, Zandra Yeaman (Curator of Discomfort, Hunterian Museum,…