Work with me

Contact me via email.

I work on projects with collections and museums focused on digital projects. I have particular expertise in 3D modelling and digital mapping but I am happy to chat about any project ideas. I enjoy developing small scale creative solutions using digital technology, and part of my approach is to find ways to feed the skills and expertise back into the organisation I am working with.

You can see examples of projects here and here.

Public Speaking

I am an experienced public speaker and enjoy communicating ideas to a range of audiences. Past talks and interviews include:

‘The Australian ‘story’ being told in our national cultural institutions and how it responds to changing societal perspectives’, U3A Canberra.

‘The net good of the net’, Democracy Sausage Podcast with Mark Kenny.

‘Rome reinvented: the idea of ancient Rome from Raphael to Russell Crowe’, National Museum of Australia.

‘Garden Theatres – stages for performing power and learning’, Pavilions: A Symposium, MPavilion public arts program, Melbourne.

‘Diderot, Voltaire and Catherine the Great’, public talk as part of the Treasures of the Hermitage Exhibition event program, National Gallery of Victoria.

‘The Recent History of Heritage Activism in Melbourne’, part of Trust Talks, National Trust of Victoria.

‘Colour and Form in High Renaissance Art: Raphael and Correggio’, ‘The Painters of the Roman Baroque: Annibale Carracci, Guido Reni & Guercino’, ‘Claude, Poussin and Rosa’, three talks as part of the program for the major blockbuster ‘Italian Masterpieces from Spain’s Royal Court, Museo del Prado exhibition.

‘Italian Baroque Gardens’ and ‘Picturesque Garden in Eighteenth-Century England’, two lectures as part of the National Gallery of Victoria’s Visions of Paradise – the art of the garden lecture series.

‘Queen Maria Casimira Sobieski, the widowed queen of Poland’, Public lecture at the Johnston Collection, Melbourne.

‘Art and Travel’ Melbourne Free University.

‘Politics of Gardens’ Melbourne Free University.